Thank you, Lizzie Walker, for awarding me the Sweetest Blog Award!
The rules of the award are:
The Rules of this award are easy to follow:
1. Thank and link to the person who nominated you.
2. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
3. Pass the Award on to 10 deserving blog buddies.
4. Contact those buddies and let them know.
  1. My children and God are the most important things in my life.
  2. Pachelbel’s Canon is one of my all-time favorite pieces of music
  3. I like learning languages.  (And presumably one day I’ll even master some of those I study!)
  4. I like trying new food, although I draw the line at anything that still has eyeballs or suction cups.
  5. If I had more time and money, I’d do a lot more skiing, downhill, cross country, and water.
  6. I enjoy finding interesting and unique things at thrift stores and Half Price Books.
  7. My upcoming trips include New York City and anywhere with a better chance of seeing the Northern lights than where I live.
Below are my nominees for sites I really like.  Many are book blogs.  A few are my friends with large families.  I would have loved to include a few more!  Enjoy. 
Sunni Morris
Lyn Miller LaCoursiere 
J.R. Tomlin 
Sarah Woodbury 
Lisa Munoz
Sharon’s Garden of Book Reviews 
A. Yamina Collins  at Yamina Today
Christina at Hands Full and Loving It
Carol McFarland at Clan Chronicles

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4 Responses to “Thanks for the Sweetest Blog Award, Lizzie!”
  1. Tony Vanwormer says:

    Wonderful Job on the Site!

  2. Kevin Rotenberry says:

    Thanks for taking the time to put this site together, it has been a blast

  3. Clement Courseault says:


  4. Rosalba Kilichowski says:

    I thought it was going to be some boring old post, but it really compensated for my time. I will post a link to this page on my blog. I am sure my visitors will find that very useful